How we work?


What is your dream?

Dreaming about your dream home can be an awesome thing! Turning that dream into a goal requires some commitment. However, accomplishing that goal is another ball game! When you realise your goal write it down. Having a deadline and time frame is also important. Give some thought to what it is you want to accomplish from the kind of home you would like to build to the financing and location. It is not important at this stage to have all the answers to how you plan to accomplish it. That is OUR goal.

We will design a plan and timeline for you

Once you have decided the location and the style of home you want we will work to get you the financing you will need. We network with many lenders and have a vast network of resources Nationwide. If you are currently working and have stable income we have programs for you. If your credit is less than perfect we will work with you to increase your credit score so that you will be able to get the financing you need. We will lay out a plan and timeline to accomplish your goal to be a homeowner, investor or renovate your personal home. This process is streamlined, as you will be working with several members of our team to hold your hand until you are in your dream home. We have special financing for Veterans or Active and Retired Military members. We can even help with down payments.


Starting the project

After obtaining the financing you will need, we will help you secure the land if you are doing a New Construction. For both renovations and New Constructions we will execute a scope of work and budget. We will obtain all the permits you will need and schedule inspections that are required by local city codes and compliance. A Certificate of Occupancy will be issued by the city when the project is complete. You will be in the loop every step of this process choosing colors, finishes and things that will make your home beautiful. The timeline will be based on your personal needs.

Behold, Your Dream!

After the city has inspected all systems and every aspect of your home, business or office space you will be given a Certificate of Occupancy and can move in! We build in the most efficent manner as possible saving you thousands of dollars compared to other builders. We warranty all of our homes for 1 Year of the completed date. Enjoy your new space!